Tapatio Blanco Tequila (750ml / 40%)

Tapatio Blanco Tequila (750ml / 40%)

$130.00 $115.50 SAVE 11%

🔴Limited Stock! Only unit/s on hand. If you require more, please contact us. Additional stock usually arrives within 2 business days. We'd love to accommodate your needs.


Produced at La Altena distillery in the highlands of Arandas in Jalisco Mexico, Tapatio Blanco is a flavourful well made tequila that will make your taste buds dance. If you crave quality and authenticity, Tapatio is definitely the tequila for you.

AROMA: Lots of butter & caramel on the nose
TASTE: Sweet. strong, but no burn. butter, then butterscotch then a hint of pepper. easy finish invites you to take another.
BARREL: Unaged
ENJOY: Sip neat or make the perfect cocktail

The Nitty Gritty
Production Notes
Please note: Every care has been taken to ensure our production notes are as acurate as possible. Where you detect any issues, please let us know and we'll fix them right up.
  • Master Distiller: Carlos Camarena
  • Maguey: Tequilana
  • Agave Region: Los Altos
  • Classification: Tequila (100% agave)
  • Expression: Blanco
  • Cooking method: Horno
  • Extraction method: Roller Mill,Stone Wheel
  • Fermentation: Wooden Fermentation Tubs,Wild Yeast,With Fibers
  • Still type: Copper Pot
  • Distillation: Double
  • Age Statement: Unaged
  • ABV: 40.0 %
Additional Information